What is AB testing?
Hey, this is Dan McGaw with McGaw.io.
I want to talk to you about “what is AB testing?”
Now, if you are not familiar with AB testing, it is done on your website or mobile application. There are services like Optimizely and Visual Website Optimizer, which makes this a little bit easier, but let’s talk about what AB testing is.
If you were to look at you website right now, you might have a call to action on your homepage. Maybe this button is orange, if you look at https://mcgaw.io we have an orange button.
We want to test different variations of this button to see if changing the button color can increase conversions. What we do is use an AB testing tool to show one version of our site with and orange button, while another version has a green button to the new visitors.
What happens with our AB testing tool is as new visitors come to the site, we show a different variation to different groups of users. These groups of users are tracked so we can see which button converts better.
This will let us know that the green button converted more users than the orange button. We can track this by looking at the conversion rate in our AB testing tool. This is all part of tracking your funnel, but you need to make sure you are using AB testing to optimize your conversions
If you have any questions, please let us know :)
This is one of the most simple and clear explanations about A/B Testing that I’ve ever read. Thanks for sharing Dan!
I am glad you liked it. Would love to make a video about convert.com at some point!
That will be great! We’ll be thrilled. Looking forward to it and/or other opportunities :)