Conversion rate optimization, also known as CRO, is an important part of any business. As you probably know, conversion rate optimization is the process of increasing the percentage of visitors to your website that convert—meaning that they take a specific action, often becoming paying customers.
This webinar given by Dan McGaw explains various CRO fundamentals. In addition, you’ll also find a reliable, flexible process to increase your conversion rates. Learn more about each of the following steps:
- Get in the CRO mindset.
- Start with a plan.
- Gather quantitative data.
- Gather qualitative data.
- Start testing.
Each phase of the plan includes detailed suggestions and examples to help you get started. In the section about quantitative data, learn about potential analytics software options and creating a funnel. In the section about testing, learn about what to test first and several common mistakes to avoid.
Conversion rate optimization is important for all businesses. If you’re looking for a proven conversion rate optimization process, watch this webinar.