LinkedIn is not only a great website for finding a new job or hiring your next employee; it is also a massive database of active professionals working across all sorts of industries. This means that if your company works with business professionals, LinkedIn can be a great place to advertise.
This guide begins by walking you through what you should know before you begin a LinkedIn advertising campaign. You’ll learn when to bring in an expert and when to do a campaign on your own. You’ll also find a list of questions to ask yourself before you begin, including these:
- What is the lifetime value of a customer?
- Do you have multiple assets and calls-to-action (CTAs) to test?
- What will it take to break even?
Once you’ve answered these questions, you’ll be ready to set your budget. In the budget section, you’ll find information on daily minimums and the average cost-per-click. Additionally, you’ll see a detailed example that considers a customer’s lifetime value and acquisition costs. You’ll also see how increasing your conversion rate can massively increase your overall revenue.
Performance Tracking & Benchmarks
Once you’ve started your campaign, you’ll want to know how it is performing. The guide explains several common ways to measure success. Metrics like engagement impact how often LinkedIn shows your ad to their members, so you’ll want to pay attention to performance indicators like click-through-rates (CTR). You’ll find a standard CTR benchmark to help you determine how your campaign is performing. You’ll also find a few tips about refreshing copy to help increase engagement.
In addition to tracking your ad campaign’s performance, you’ll also need to track your ad spend. This guide offers several ways to do this, including landing pages, UTMs, Bitly links, and Google Analytics. Depending on your campaign, you might want to use all of these tools. Once you figure out what channels or campaigns are performing the best, you can focus your efforts and increase your conversion rates.
Next in the guide, you’ll find a detailed explanation of LinkedIn’s extensive ad targeting features. This information can help you target the right people and companies. You’ll also find information about how the Audience Expansion product can impact your targeting and overall campaign.
Linkedin Advertising Case Studies
Now that you have the basics, this guide will walk you through case studies from Mercedez-Benz and Hired, Inc., illustrating what is effective (and what is not) in their LinkedIn advertising campaigns. You’ll find tips about CTAs, images, value prop, targeting, length of the ad, and more.
If you’ve finished reading this guide and you still want more information, you’ll find a list of helpful resources from other industry professionals to help you get the most from your LinkedIn campaign. These resources contain more examples, tips, and insights that can help you craft the best campaign possible.
The bottom line is this: LinkedIn makes it simple to set up an advertising campaign, and you can be successful with a little testing and education.
If you’ve ever considered running a LinkedIn advertising campaign, or just want to polish one you already have going, this guide offers practical advice on how to do so.